Bridge Funding to Sustain Pediatric Research

The Charles H. Hood Foundation, a family foundation focused on enhancing the lives of children through pediatric research and innovation, recently announced bridge funding for three pediatric research projects in New England.

The funding resulted from an opportunity brought to the foundation’s attention following unanticipated funding reductions to several grant projects that were in progress across the country. The foundation reached out to the original funder to discuss how the foundation might partner with them to help close the gap on the funding shortfalls.

“One of the most problematic issues in conducting scientific research is the prospect of losing your funding mid-stream. We wanted to help.”

An initial group of research projects were identified in the New England area, and the Hood Foundation collaborated with the impacted institutions seeking ways to leverage available resources to allow the projects to continue to move forward.

“The Hood Foundation is delighted to have been able to provide one-time funding, said Trustee Jeffrey Boutwell, “which also leveraged additional support, to three important projects that will advance children’s health both in and beyond New England.”

Although this need fell outside the Hood Foundation’s core funding initiatives, the opportunity to provide the gap funding along with the researchers’ sponsor institutions desire to help keep these projects on track was compelling.

In addition to the rigorous application process that had been required by the original funder for initial grant approval, the Hood Foundation further ensured that each project met the eligibility requirements and fit within the Foundation’s mission. With each of the selected projects partially funded by the Hood Foundation, this collaborative effort to leverage funding enabled the researchers to meaningfully complete the research or allowed the projects to reach a position to seek additional funding.

“I am deeply grateful to the Charles Hood Foundation for this bridge funding. The Hood award is filling a critical need at an important time in our project,” said Dr. Suneet Agarwal, a funding recipient with Harvard Medical School. “We expect that these studies will lay the groundwork for developing drugs to treat dyskeratosis congenita and other deadly disorders.”

Dr. Laura Ann Lowery of Boston College and Dr. Bob Varelas of Boston University were also recipients of bridge funding.